木村千代春 日本の自然を描く細密画展

4/17[月]― 30[日]

niigata eya exhibition 649


木村千代春(きむら ちよはる)
1949年新潟県聖籠町生まれ。85年より会社勤務の傍ら独学で童画を描き始める。92年新潟県勤労展初入選、97年~越後湯沢全国童画展入賞、2001年北都・色いろいろ大賞、新潟日報美術振興賞、02 年ILEC(社)教育文化協会美術展優秀賞、16年上野の森美術館「日本の自然を描く」展で彫刻の森美術館賞を受賞、以後同展で無鑑査。アートサロン環、下田の森の美術館など県内で個展多数。新潟絵屋で2回目の個展。

PHOTO(上):「花筏のかるがも親子」 2022年 アクリル/紙 44.8×52.3cm

Miniature paintings of Japanese nature

For about 40 years, Kimura has been painting cherry blossoms and Japanese nature, nostalgic landscapes that you would have encountered somewhere. He goes sketching outside the prefecture in pursuit of cherry trees that are several hundred years old, and brings cherry trees that are no longer in bloom into full bloom on his canvases. He puts his heart and soul into every detail of each petal. “Red Post with Black Wall” – this work, too, shows a landscape that cannot be seen today, much less a girl in a kimono apron, which is unimaginable today; but it makes you feel as if you have met her somewhere. It is heartwarming. That is the worldview of Mr.Chiyoharu Kimura.
 Kimura says that although you can tell what he painted by looking at it, it is the process of how he painted that is important. He continues stating that an artist should evolve without delay, and that the world of painting is endless. His words reveal his passion for painting and his way of life. We look forward to seeing what kind of excitement we will encounter again at this year’s exhibition. (Exhibition Planner: Yuko Yokoki)

Chiyoharu Kimura
Born in 1949 in Seiro Town, Niigata Prefecture, Kimura began painting children’s pictures on his own while working at a company in 1985. In 1992, he was selected for the first time for the Niigata Prefecture Kinro Exhibition; in 1997, he won a prize at the Echigo-Yuzawa National Children’s Drawing Exhibition; in 2001, he was awarded the Hokuto Colorful Grand Prize and the Niigata Nippo Art Promotion Prize; in 2002, he earned the Excellence Prize at the ILEC Institute of Education and Culture Art Exhibition;in 2016, he won the Sculpture Forest Museum Prize at the “Painting Japanese Nature” exhibition at the Ueno Royal Museum, and since then has held noncompetitive exhibitions at the same exhibitions. Numerous solo exhibitions in Niigata Prefecture have displayed his paintings, including the Art Salon Kan and the Shitada no Mori Art Museum. This is his second solo exhibition at Niigata Eya.


PHOTO:「黒塀の赤いポスト」 2022年 アクリル 21.5×15.6cm

2021年▶ 木村千代春 日本の自然を描く写実彩画