


niigata eya exhibition 662


 Yuki Sasameya’s paintings have a smell

 The smell of breath, sweat, and skin of people who lived in the moment, who breathed only dance, song, seeing, or poetry.
 Movies, chansons, translated poems, and so on. The richness of the moment of these
experiences in my life that I have also experienced at one time or another, flows through his works. 
The copperplate line: while he was drawing with a ballpoint pen Sasameya-san was told that his drawing was suitable for etching; so he started this new medium. Lines were drawn not for the purpose of drawing but for smelling are stretched and turned, and when they take shape, smells are transformed, the voice of a distant yet near her or him is heard, a stir is heard, and sound, light, and shaking air become the warm alloy of memories, reminiscences, and the present time in which they are depicted, and are in my hand.
 Here is a person who has lived his whole life fascinated by such alchemy and magic. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)

1943年東京都生まれ。45年空襲にて家消失。以後68年までボーッとしてくらす。その年にはじめて絵を描く。70年渡仏、71年渡米、72年渡仏シェルブールへ。73年帰国。77年油絵のほか銅版画を制作する。絵本や挿絵の仕事多数。『ブリキの音符』(文・片山令子、白泉社)『ガドルフの百合』(文・宮沢賢治、偕成社)、『マルスさんとマダムマルス』(原生林・ひだまり舎)、『幻燈サーカス』(文・中澤晶子、BL 出版)、『あしたうちにねこがくるの』(文・石津ちひろ、講談社)、『ねこのチャッピー』(小峰書店)、『くうき』(文・まどみちお、理論社)、『椅子』『Butとor』(BL出版)、『あるひ あるとき』(文・あまんきみこ、のら書店)、『ワタシゴト』(文・中澤晶子、汐文社)、『すなはまのバレリーナ』(文・川島京子、のら書店)など。

Yuki Sasameya
Born in Tokyo in 1943. Lost his house in an air raid in 1945 and lived in a daze until 1968, when he painted for the first time. He went to France in 1970, to the U.S. in 1971, to Cherbourg in France in 1972, and back to Japan in 1973. In 1977, he created copper prints in addition to oil paintings. He has worked on numerous picture books and illustrations: Buriki no Onpu (written by Reiko Katayama, published by Hakusensya),Gadolf no Yuri (by Kenji Miyazawa, published by Kaiseisha), MONSIER et MADAME MARS (published by Genseirin・Hidamarisha), Gento Circus (by Shoko Nakazawa, published by BL Syuppan), Ashita Uchini Neko ga Kuruno (by Chihiro Ishizu, published by Kodansya), Neko no Chappie(published by Kominesyoten), Kuki (by Michio Mado,published by Rironsha), Isu, But and Or(published by BL Shuppan), Aruhi Arutoki (by Kimiko Aman, published by Nora Shoten), Watashi Goto (by Syoko Nakazawa, published by Choubunsya),Sunahama no ballerina (by Kyoko Kawashima, published by Norasyoten), et al.

PHOTO(上):「A Rita」 1987年 シュガーアクアチント 39.7×29.7cm

PHOTO:「困ったときのブラッサンス」銅版画 37×27.8cm

PHOTO:「ボブの言葉」リノカット 21.2×14.8cm

PHOTO:「赤いくつ」リノカット 21.2×14.8cm

▶ ささめやゆき展 2020年


