niigata eya exhibition 677
I have been attracted to the colors of Yukari Suematsu’s paintings since the first time I saw them. There is a term “undercolor” (the color below the color). Under every color, there is a heavy but not too heavy gray. And this invisible gray welcome and support opposites such as light and dark, soft and harsh, image and nonimage, form and formlessness, and makes them float on the screen like two plates on a balance scale. It is astonishing that color has such a mysterious power. The simplicity and complexity of the colors make me want to look at them forever and ever. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)
末松由華利(すえまつ ゆかり)
埼玉県生まれ、大阪府育ち。2010年多摩美術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻卒業。近年の個展は、21年ゆいぽーと「空と海を砂で分く」(新潟)、日本橋髙島屋「設える時」(東京)、22年日本橋三越本店「Visions of a Torn World」、新潟絵屋「砂の縁を歩く」、23年ASTER「何処か遠くで起きたこと」(石川)、新宿髙島屋「山も海も砂も雪も、私たちも」(東京)など。17年9-11月長野、 2021年1-2月新潟、22年3月フィンランドにて滞在制作を行い発表。https://yukarisuematsu.wixsite.com/mysite
Yukari Suematsu
Born in Saitama Prefecture and raised in Osaka Prefecture. She graduated from Tama Art University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in oil painting.Recent solo exhibitions include “Dividing the Sky and Sea with the Sand” at Yui Port, Niigata (2021), “Shitsuraerutoki” at Nihombashi Takashimaya, S.C. Art Avenue, Tokyo (2021), “Visions of a Torn World” at Art gallery of Nihombashi Mitsukoshi, Tokyo (2021), “Walking on the Edge of the Sand” at Niigata Eya (2022), “Something Somewhere Far Away” at ASTER, Ishikawa (2023), and “Mountains, Sea, Sand, Snow, and All of Us” at Shinjuku Takashimaya Art Gallery, Tokyo (2023). Residency in Nagano, Japan from September to November 2017, Niigata, Japan from January to February 2021, and Finland in March 2022. https://yukarisuematsu.wixsite.com/mysite
PHOTO(上)「あなたの帰る場所が明るいといい」2024年 アクリル/キャンバス 100×100㎝
PHOTO:「影踏み」2019年 アクリル/キャンバス 53.0×65.2cm
PHOTO:「“ここは誰かの帰る場所”のためのドローイング」2022年 アクリル/紙 18.2×25.7cm
PHOTO:「ここは誰かの帰る場所」アクリル/キャンバス 41×41cm