niigata eya exhibition 678
フジタヨウコの陶芸は、師の坂爪勝幸や坂爪の敬愛するピーター・ヴォーコスがそうであるように、視覚と触覚を越えた感覚世界に身をいつも開こうとしてきた。若さや甘さ、たどたどしさを時に味方としながら、いろいろな展開をたどってきた制作を見続けて20年になった。 いつも事前に新作を見に村上の工房へいくのが楽しみだが、事情で行けなかった。しかし画像からでも手前に飛び出てくるもののふしぎな音がする。実際の会場はどんなだろう。(企画者:大倉宏)
Like her teacher Katsuyuki Sakazume and Peter Voulkos, whom he admires,
Yoko Fujita’s ceramic art has always tried to open herself to the world of the senses beyond the senses of sight and touch. It has been 20 years since I have
watched her work, which has developed in various ways, with youth, naivete, and even her faltering sometimes, as allies. I always look forward to visiting her studio
in Murakami city to see her new works in advance of her exhibition, but this time, circumstances prevented me from doing so. However, even from the image, I could hear the mysterious sound of something popping up in the foreground. I wonder what the actual venue will be like. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)
フジタヨウコ(藤田 陽子)
1995年女子美術短期大学卒業。96年同専攻科修了。同年坂爪勝幸氏に師事。個展は、03年ギャルリー炎舎(新潟市)開催以来、新潟絵屋、ギャラリーさやけ、ギャラリー彩、やまぼうし、HAFU、胎内市美術館、ギャラリーみつけ(新潟)、芹川画廊、ギャラリーいなば、ギャラリー+ノーション(東京)などで発表。09年長三賞、13年日本陶芸展入選。16年地元の瀬波温泉に「Toi 陶房」設立。www.fujita-yoko.com
Yoko Fujita
Graduated from Joshibi College of Art and Design in 1995, and completed the major course in 1996. Studied under Katsuyuki Sakazume in the same year.Since her solo exhibition at Galerie Ensha in Niigata City in 2003, she has exhibited at Niigata Eya, Gallery Sayake, Gallery Sai, Yamaboshi, HAFU, Tainai City Museum of Art, Gallery Mitsuke (Niigata), Serikawa Gallery, Gallery Inaba, Gallery+Notion (Tokyo), etc. She was awarded the Choza Prize in 2009 and her work was selected for the Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition in 2013. In 2016, she established the pottery studio, “Toi Tobo” in her hometown, Senami Onsen (Niigata).www.fujita-yoko.com
▶ フジタヨウコ展 2021
▶ フジタヨウコ展 2017
▶ 新潟市こども創造センター ワークショップ ねんどでつくる「オノマトペ」
▶ フジタヨウコ展 2015