植木須美子 木版画展

Sumiko Ueki Woodblock Print Exhibition

11/1[金]― 14[木]

niigata eya exhibition 681
11/10[土]13:00-18:00 喫茶絵屋

 新潟の古町6の一角に今も植木須美子の木版画群が展示されている。 それらを含む新潟シリーズを紹介する。2年前100歳で亡くなった植木宅に残るほぼ全点である。 多くは作者50~60代の作。師の高橋信一から多色刷の技も学んでいたけれど、この連作は基本一色。大正生まれの植木の記憶のなかの新潟も描かれた。過去といまを同じ地平に表現する色が白と黒だったのかもしれない。 激動の「昭和」が、雲や空のように変わりつつ変わらぬものとして見つめられている。(企画者:大倉 宏)

Sumiko Ueki’s woodblock prints are still on display in a corner of Furumachi 6 in Niigata city. The exhibition introduces the Niigata series, including almost all of the prints that remain at the home of Sumiko Ueki, who passed away two years ago at the age of 100. Most of them were made by the artist in her 50s or 60s. Although she had learned the technique of multicolor printing from her teacher Shinichi Takahashi, this series is basically one-color. Ueki, who was born in the Taisho era (1912-1926), also depicted Niigata of her memory. Perhaps black and white was the color that expressed the past and the present on the same horizon. The turbulent “Showa period” is seen as something that has changed, yet remains unchanged, like the clouds and the sky. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)

植木須美子(うえき すみこ)
1921年新潟市生まれ。39年東京府立第五高等女学校卒業。62年新潟女流版画協会創立。高橋信一氏に師事。64年より日本版画協会、国画会展に出品。70、71年新潟県美術展県展賞受賞。81年日本版画協会会員推挙。84年より無所属。85年日本版画文化友好代表団で中国訪問。個展は「越のうた散歩原画展」「なつかしい昭和のはじめの子供達」「北欧 英吉利風景」(新潟伊勢丹)、「新古町版画通り原画展」(新潟大和)、「瞽女さ」(新潟マスターズギャラリー)等。96年にはリトアニアで蔵書票、フランスで木版画を発表。2022年逝去。

Sumiko Ueki
Born in Niigata City in 1921, graduated from Tokyo Prefectural Daigo High School for Girls in 1939. Founded Niigata Women’s Print Association in 1962 and studied under Shinichi Takahashi. Exhibited at the Japan Print Association and Kokuga-kai exhibitions from 1964; won the Niigata Prefectural Art Exhibition Prize in 1970 and 1971; nominated as a member of the Japan Print Association in 1981; unaffiliated since 1984. She visited China in 1985 with the Japan Print Culture Friendship Delegation. She had solo exhibitions such as “Koshi no Uta Sanpo Genga Exhibition,” “Natsukashii Showa no Hajime no Kodomotachi,” “Scandinavia, England Scenery” (Isetan, Niigata), “Shinfurumachi Hanga Dori Genga Exhibition” (Yamato, Niigata), “Goze sa” (Niigata Masters Gallery), etc. In 1996, she exhibited a bookplate in Lithuania and woodblock prints in France. Passed away in 2022.

PHOTO(上):「異人池」 1985年 木版画 24.2×24.2cm

PHOTO:「浜焼」1985年 木版画 24.2×24.2cm

PHOTO:「川蒸気船」 1985年 木版画 24.2×24.2cm

PHOTO:「万代橋」 1985年 木版画 24.2×24.2cm

PHOTO:「日和山展望台」 1985年 木版画 24.2×24.2cm





配信 ツムジグラフィカ




植木須美子木版画展 同時開催
