田中秀美 展 ~妖精(花)たちのささやき~

5/16[木]― 29[水]

niigata eya exhibition 670


Hidemi Tanaka Exhibition- Whispers of Fairies (Flowers)

Hidemi Tanaka is a painter who has been improving with each exhibition of her works. When I visited her for a meeting, a row of cherry trees along the embankment behind her house caught my eye. I am sure that the cherry trees would bloom magnificent. Blessed with nature in the quiet, historic town of Yoita, Nagaoka City, she continues to paint while being grateful for the environment that allows her to grow plants as she pleases. And these flowers would be asking her, “Please paint me,” again this year, season after season. Her attitude toward flowers is polite and gentle. The way she treats nature and plants is a way of life for the artist. About 20 pieces will be exhibited, including Daikagura camellia, Yellow Pomponette (tulips), and Christmas roses. (Exhibition Planner: Yuko Yokoki)

田中秀美(たなか ひでみ)
長岡市生まれ。2000年頃から自己流に描きはじめる。新潟絵屋では2005年と07年に銅版画の個展を開催。その他、ギャラリー沙蔵、たびのそら屋(長岡市)、今井美術館(見附市)、ギャラリーやまぼうし、二代目アートサロン環(新潟市)などで個展。長岡市美術協会会員。市展入賞 4 回、芸展入賞。 植物を丹念に観察することにより、心の中に滲み出てくる何か、を表現できる楽しさを大切に創作を続ける。長岡市与板在住。ブログ「つるつるにんじんの豆絵画館」ameblo.jp/douganebuibui9

Hidemi Tanaka
Born in Nagaoka City, Tanaka began painting on her own around 2000. She held solo exhibitions of copperplate prints at Niigata Eya in 2005 and 2007. She has also held solo exhibitions at Gallery Sakura, Tabinosoraya (Nagaoka City), Imai Museum of Art (Mitsuke City), Gallery Yamaboshi, and Nidaime Art Salon Kan (Niigata City), and others. Member of Nagaoka City Art Association. She has won prizes at the Nagaoka City Art Exhibition (Shiten) four times and at the Nagaoka Prefectual Art Exhibition (Geiten). She continues to paint and cherishes the pleasure of being able to express something that seeps out of her mind through careful observation of plants. Lives in Yoita, Nagaoka City. Blog “Tsuru Tsuru Ninjin no Mame Kaigakan” ameblo.jp/douganebuibui9

PHOTO(上): 作品「太神楽椿」2023年 岩絵具・水干絵具・アクリル/紙 28.0×40.0㎝

PHOTO: 作品「イエローポンポンネット」2021年 水干絵具/紙 38.0×26.2cm

PHOTO: 作品「ウィンターキャロル」2023年 26×38.2cm

▶ 2005年「田中秀美 銅版画展」
▶ 2007年「田中秀美 銅版画展」