Paintings left by Teichi Kido and Naoe Tabe
niigata eya exhibition 657
PHOTO(上): 本間吉郎 「かがよう潮」 1982年 孔版画 27.7×38.0cm
Teichi Kido was the companion of Naoe Tabe’s eldest daughter, and he was a man of keen eyesight and sharp words. He was also an understanding friend of Gallery Tabe, which his father-in-law, Tabe, had started in his late 60s. His tastes were unique, and among the painters who were regulars at Gallery Tabe, he held the stencil artist Kichiro Honma in high esteem. The exhibition will be held for distribution of Kido owned paintings, along with some of the pictures from Tabe’s collection.
Hanpu is a word that conveys the feeling of a painting being passed from viewer to viewer rather than sold. Mr. Tabe organized the hanpukai to support the life of Tetsuzo Sato in his later years. My experience in the 1980s of visiting the scattered Sato’s paintings led me to think about home (a place for living) and painting. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)
Ishizo Araki, Tadashige Ono, Seiko Kawachi, Maki Kora, Seizaburo Sato, Tetsuzo Sato,Shinichi Takahashi, Tsune Tomoto, Mitsuru Nishimura, Toichiro Fujimoto, Toshihito Hosono, Kichiro Honma, Ryuji Watanabe, et al.
PHOTO: 小野忠重「とりの橋」1959年木版画 27.2×17.5cm
PHOTO:佐藤清三郎「川岸風景」制作年不明鉛筆/紙 22.8×28.0cm
▶ 2003年7月 絵のある茶の間「画廊たべ」を偲んで 田部直枝・追悼展
田部直枝(たべ なおえ)
Naoe Tabe
Born in Niigata City in 1905. His deep friendship with painters Tetsuzo Sato and Seizaburo Sato while working as a bank employee became the starting point of his career. After retiring, he renovated a corner in his house in Shibata City and opened “Gallery Tabe” at the age of 67 (1972 to 1995). In addition to the two Sato artists, he introduced many other painters such as Kakichi Yamagami, Tsune Tomoto, Makoto Ueno, Maki Kora,Toshihito Hosono, and Kichiro Honma in exhibitions held two or three times a year. The gallery, designed in a Japanese-style house, was loved by many people and so was the personality of the gallery owner. He died on March 2nd, 2003 at the age of 97.
聞き書き 画廊たべ「絵のある茶の間」ものがたり
編集・発行:聞き書き 画廊たべ「絵のある茶の間」物語刊行委員会