
10/18[水]― 29[日]

niigata eya exhibition 660


橘 三紀(たちばな みき)

PHOTO(上):「夏休み」2023年 油彩/キャンバス 30号

Miki Tachibana’s Exhibition
This is Tachibana’s first solo exhibition at Niigata Eya in eight years. This means that I didn’t visit Tachibana’s studio during that time; but I felt that the time and atmosphere had never changed and flowed in the room, as if no time had passed. What made me feel that way was because the air was lively, and I felt the “contemporariness” of his attitude towards art was always fresh, and its spirit flowed from the paintings and reverberated throughout the room. The blue in the new work (920 x 727 mm) shows a complex interplay of depth and shading, in addition to the vividness present in previous works. The artist seems to have added a gradual breadth and depth to the painting; it reveals not only one woman, but also another one, a child, and a tabletop scene. I would like to convey my delight and exuberance in appreciating the paintings in this exhibition of new works by the artist, who is now over 80 years old. (Exhibition Curator: Hiroshi Okura)

Miki Tachibana
Born in Ryotsu City in 1941, Tachibana studied under the tutelage of Hiroji Ohashi since 1969. He was selected for the Kofukai exhibition in 1972, and was elected a member of the Kofukai in 1976. Resigned from Koufukai in 1999 and has been painting alone ever since. He has had many solo and group exhibitions.

PHOTO:「二人」2023年 油彩/キャンバス 15号

PHOTO:「女」2023年 油彩/キャンバス 6号


PHOTO:「海峡を渡る鳥」2023年 油彩/キャンバス 30号

▶ 2003年 香る風 橘三紀展
▶ 2013年 橘三紀展
▶ 2015年 橘三紀展