渡辺リリコ展  共に時を慈しむ


niigata eya exhibition 652


Ririco has lived in Tokyo for a long time, but at the end of 2011 she changed her base of activities to Nishi Ward, Niigata City. Here, she spends her days growing radishes, onions, and winter greens in the sun, looking at the sky and fields, feeling the ocean, and eating freshly harvested vegetables. There was so much to savor in her new daily life, and she has cherished those days for the past 12 years. Ririco, who often spends most of her time reading books, enjoys daydreaming wherever she is. Her new work is a blend of collage and drawing, a mixture of diary and fantasy. It is a series of works as if with the feeling that she were talking to someone. (Exhibition Planner: Miyuki Inoue)

PHOTO(上):「宙のむこうに 陽なたの匂いを求めて」2022年 33.3×24.2cm

PHOTO:「小さなハミング」2023年 紙コラージュ・ペン・クレヨン 24.2×16.5cm

渡辺リリコ(わたなべ りりこ)
新潟市生まれ。灘本唯人氏に師事後、宇野亜喜良事務所、灘本唯人事務所を経てフリーのイラストレーターに。2005年画廊full moon upstairsと15年砂丘館でマッチ箱のシリーズを発表。近年は、北原白秋の「五十音」にイラストを添えたポストカードや、ダイコンをモチーフにしたミニ絵本『しろい一日』を自主制作。近年手がけた挿絵に『和歌でみる源氏物語~おばあさん的~』(田辺真知子・著)、『てのひら句集』(喜怒哀楽書房・発行)がある。 rico-w.jimdofree.com

Ririco Watanabe
Born in Niigata City. After studying under Tadahito Nadamoto, she worked at Akira Uno’s office and Tadahito Nadamoto’s office before becoming a freelance illustrator. Exhibited her series of matchboxes at the gallery Full Moon upstairs in 2005 and in 2015 at the Sakyukan. In recent years, she has independently produced postcards with illustrations of the “Gojyuon“ of Kitahara Hakushu and a mini picture book “Shiroi Ichinichi”, using white radish as a motif. Her recent illustrations include “Waka de Miru Genji Monogatari – Obaasan-teki” written by Machiko Tanabe and “Tenohira Kushu” (published by Kidoairaku Syobou.)rico-w.jimdofree.com

PHOTO:「夏の満ち欠け」2022年 紙コラージュ・ペン・クレヨン 36.2×27.2cm

PHOTO:「ダイコン讃歌」2022年 紙コラージュ・ペン・クレヨン 36.2×27.2cm

▶ 2008年 06月
▶ 2008年 12月
▶ 2009年 12月


Shop Info.1 〈渡辺リリコ オリジナルグッズ〉

作:北原白秋 画:渡辺リリコ
税込 1,000

冊子『しろい一日 ―ちくちく小人と遊ぶ―』
税込 1,000