
1/14[土]― 29[日]

niigata eya exhibition 643


As I have been fortunate enough to live in the house where Mr. Oushi Saito lived,the paintings lining the walls of each room were such an integral part of the house that I did not pay attention to them. It was only when most of the paintings were sent to and had been selected as a permanent collection at the Tainai City Museum of Art that I became aware of their charm; how different the house was with and without the paintings…although I understand how lucky these paintings are. The soft elegance and lively air that emanates from each painting was like a faint fragrance. I am strongly attracted to the space in the house created by the faintly elevating atmosphere, and I think that the unspeakable sense of loss, the now barewalls in my house where the paintings used to hang, that continues to this day is what Oushi-san’s paintings have meant to me.
In this exhibition, in addition to the”Niigata Hyakkei” (One Hundred Views of Niigata), which has become one of Oushi-san’s most famous works, a slightly larger-sized oil painting on wood (still life painting), that has recently been discovered, will be exhibited.(Exhibition Planner:Azumi OKABE
Oushi Saito’s exhibition at Niigata Eya
From 14th to 29th, January, 2023.

PHOTO:「黄ばら」制作年不詳 油彩/板 33.2×23.8cm

斎藤應志(さいとう おうし)
1903年中条町(現胎内市)生まれ。24年新潟師範学校卒業。戦前の民間主催の洋画公募展「新潟県展」(旧県展)の企画・運営に参画し、自らも同展に出品した。旧県展第1回で3点の作品が入選し、「選外特選」の「船」は市長賞を受賞。第4回で特選。戦後は中学校美術教師をしながら、新潟の風景や静物画を描き、数多く個展で発表した。81年没。2019年新潟絵屋で弟との二人展「斎藤應志・鉄臣展」を、その後個展を2020・21年に開催。2021年には胎内市美術館にて「斎藤應志・鐡臣二人展」が開催された。関連する書籍に『斎藤應志・鐡臣二人展圖録』(胎内市美術館)、『まちの日々180 vol.9 特集 新潟島』、『別冊 斎藤應志さんと新潟』(まちの日々編集室、2023年1月発行)がある。

Instagram @oushi_saito

PHOTO:無題 制作年不詳 油彩/板 20.4×26.7cm

PHOTO:「赤絵の皿」制作年不詳 油彩/板 24.2×32.9cm

PHOTO:「東映ホテルのあたり」1963年 油彩/板 15.8×22.6cm

PHOTO:「河口の船」1959年 油彩/板 15.1×22.8cm

PHOTO:「魚」制作年不詳 油彩/板 23×32.8cm


▶ 斎藤應志展4
▶ まちの日々180 vol.9



2022年に砂丘館で開催された「新潟の肖像 1955-70 斎藤應志展」をもとにした作品集。昭和30~40年代に描かれた新潟の風景画を11カテゴリーに分けた展示から、約150枚を解説文とともに紹介しています。

税込 990円

展覧会会場にてご覧いただけるほか、通販サイトeya shop にてお求めいただけます。

▶ まちの日々180 vol.9 特集 新潟島

▶ 斎藤應志展5
▶ 斎藤應志展4
▶ 斎藤應志展3
▶ 斎藤應志展2
▶ 斎藤応志・鉄臣展