
鎧潟をさがす旅/Journey To Find Yoroigata


niigata eya exhibition 672

 見ていると、美しさに溶けて、どこかやわらかくも、切実な感情が聞こえてくる。現存する潟である佐潟を見つめながら、干拓で消えた鎧潟を探していると本間は言うのだが、その思いは、幼い日にその鎧潟で無数の命とたわむれた記憶から、美しい、生きた水槽を創造した天野の記憶を源流とする。それが本間という川に合流し、その水音が、無数の命を一挙に殺戮した干拓事業という過去に、私の目を誘っていく。(企画者:大倉 宏)

Yusuke Homma’s photographs are different from those of his mentor in Nature Aquarium construction and photography, Takashi Amano. One can sense this at a glance.
What is striking is the low point of view. However, this is not a “method,” but rather a natural way of taking pictures, and I like that.
When you look at them, you can hear the soft, yet sincere emotions melting into the beauty. Homma says that he is looking for the Yoroi Lagoon, which disappeared due to land reclamation, while gazing at the existing lagoon, Sagata; his thoughts’ headswaters originate from Amano’s memory of creating a beautiful, living aquarium based on his childhood memories of playing with countless aquatic lives in the Yoroi Lagoon. It joins a river called Homma, and the sound of its waters lures my eyes into the past of a land reclamation project that killed countless lives in one fell swoop. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)

本間裕介(ほんま ゆうすけ)

Yusuke Homma
Born in 1975 in Shibata City, Japan. He played in rivers and rice paddies from childhood, and became fascinated with aquariums in junior high school. At the age of 18, he met Takashi Amano, with whom he shared his views on Nature Aquariums and nature. He worked as an assistant in photography and in Nature Aquarium production with Amano, who was also a photographer, for about 20 years until Amano’s death. Currently, he is engaged in enlightening activities as an aquascape creator for Aqua Design Amano Co., Ltd. This is the first solo exhibition of his photographs.

6/28[金]18:30 ― 19:30

本間裕介 聞き手 大倉宏


本間裕介 写真展


6/8[土]― 7/21[日] 9:30 ― 17:00

会場:雪梁舎美術館 新潟市西区山田451


NEWS「写真家・水景クリエイターとして活躍した亡き師匠 天野尚の原点 消えた『鎧潟』を探して…」


Johan Svensson展


niigata eya exhibition 671

 一度見て惹かれたものが、ずいぶん時間が経ったあとで唐突に想起され、猛烈に見たいと欲することがある。Johanさんのペインティングがそれだ。落書きするように手を動かすなかで現れた人物や動物たち。描いて描いて描くことで、思わぬ着想を得て、それが立体や動画制作に生かされることもある。ストックホルムのスタジオ訪問から二年。ポップでシュールで癖になる、Johan Svensson日本初個展です。(企画者:岡部安曇)

Sometimes, after a long time has passed, something you saw once that attracted you
suddenly comes back to you, and you have an intense desire to see it again. Johan Svensson’s paintings are it. Two years have passed since my visit to his studio in Stockholm. Still, faces and animals that emerged from the doodle-like movements of his hands have revisited my mind.
By drawing and drawing and drawing, he gains unexpected perspectives and occasionally it can be applied to create three-dimensional or video works.
Pop, surreal and addictive, this is Johan Svensson’s first solo exhibition in Japan. (Exhibition Planner: Azumi Okabe)

PHOTO(上):「The Fish That Loved Johan Svensson」2018 アクリル/紙 14.8×20.8cm

Johan Svensson展
「Snake Surprise」2023 アクリル/紙 40.8×30.8cm

PHOTO:「The Smile」21×29cm acrylic on paper.

Johan Svensson (ヨハン・スヴェンソン)

Johan Svensson
Born in 1971, educated at Malmö and Umeå Art Academy but lives and works in Karlstad, Sweden. He works with installation, animation, sculpture, drawing and text. Different artistic expressions such as installation, animation or text are often combined with sculptural techniques.
The works touch on the reality of our time, everyday phenomena, political events of the day, phenomena from popular culture, and can have features of both horror films and children’s programs. The rewriting of the familiar into the grotesque is a driving method in his art. It can be about the scale of the objects or about a movement from one medium to another.
In Sweden, he has exhibited at Gothenburg Art Gallery, Wanås, Färgfabriken and Bonnier Art Gallery, among others. He has participated in several exhibitions abroad, including in Helsinki, Istanbul and London, and was a studio grantee at NIFCA in Finland and at IASPIS in Stockholm and the IASPIS studio abroad in Cairo. He has made seven public art works.

Johan Svensson展
「Screaming Fields of Sonic Youth(Cassettes)」2023 アクリル/石膏 上:7.2×12.6×1cm中:8.5×12.6×1cm 下:8.5×12.4×2.5cm

Johan Svensson展
PHOTO:「The end」30×20cm acrylic on paper.

▶ Part of a report on a visit to Swedish Artist
This report was wrtitten by Azumi Okabe in 2022

Johan Svensson


 A short walk from the Slussen subway station, where stores line the main street in the center of Stockholm, leads to a forest park with shining greenery, and through it to a quiet residential area. Johan’s studio is located on the first floor (sort of a half-basement) of a corner lined with large buildings of similar appearances. He had just installed a public artwork in a kindergarten in Uppsala, and although the studio was empty, he said he could show me his work on his computer.

 Johan is from a small farming village in southern Sweden. His mother wanted to be an artist, and there were beautiful paintings by her hanging in the house. His mother, who had not been able to fulfill her dream due to marrying early and having children, never pressured him to do the same. And eventually he took a path that his mother couldn’t take. He spent his college years in the South and then moved to Finland with his wife, an architect/artist. He is currently based in Stockholm. He says that he was able to come here because of the support of IASPIS, and I learned once again the importance of IASPIS.

“A creature that sometimes floats around, dipping its body into a dark place in the mind”

 Johanさんを訪問したいと思ったのは、Johanさんのウェブサイトのトップページにある、印象的なサングラスを掛けたカラスのドローイングに惹かれたからだ。それは「NIGHT TIMES」というタイトルの展覧会のために制作されたドローイングだった。
 We wanted to visit Johan because we were attracted by the striking drawing of a crow wearing sunglasses on the top page of his website. It was a drawing created for an exhibition titled “NIGHT TIMES.”
 Johan is a doodler. He creates a lot of drawings and paintings in a short period of time. He draws repeatedly and watches them develop.
 Sometimes it develops in an interesting way, often not. Sometimes there is a theme, but it is the same, not knowing what will emerge or how it will turn out. He usually does not critique any of the drawings that appear, and only looks back when he chooses a work for an exhibition.

 Sometimes spontaneous drawings give birth to animations. In a recent work, “Grass,” the grass is growing and swaying in the wind. Then, a big tire comes along and mows it down. This video was shown by repeatedly projecting a transparent film onto the roots of a large tree that was placed in a lying position in the installation. Arranged around the tree were three-dimensional mice, like a live-action version of the world of a picture book.

 Johan’s work, which seems to be well-liked by children, has been installed as public art in three kindergartens. There is a giant three-dimensional sculpture of skewered wild strawberries in syrup (a Swedish sweet), and a work in which the part covering the light of a street lamp is a knit hat or cap. Four spheres, each with an expression representing four different emotions; surprise, anger, pleasure and sorrow – were installed at different heights and in different colors.

 On the other hand, the first public artwork he worked on was for a hospice where people with little time left to live spend their final days in peace and quiet, and he created three “bridges” connecting this world and the next. Three “bridges” were created to connect the afterlife and the real world: a standing bridge with a beautiful structure, a bridge with a house as seen in Thailand, and a suspension bridge inspired by an old movie. The artist took care not to make the bridges too severe for the viewers.

 Okura’s impression of Johan is that he is like a creature that sometimes floats around, dipping its body into a dark place in the mind, and he is absolutely right. Johan is tall, quiet, and reserved, but in a dark place inside his mind; there is a boy named Johan who has been drawing pictures for a long time, looking at things with a bit of a wry, slightly nihilistic attitude. He is peering at us from behind Johan’s eyes. That’s how I felt. He and his work have a mysterious charm that attracts people.


絵本『Ojizo-san of Aga』


1950年神戸市生まれ。86年TAO(神戸)、87年PICTURE(大阪)にて個展、以降毎年、神戸、大阪、京都、東京等で個展開催。95年阪神大震災で被災した障害者を援助するボランティアTシャツ・ガッツ君の絵を描く。主な著書に絵本『ほっ』(90年星雲社)、『いただきます!』(97年佼成出版社・共著)、『あっ』(2000年解放出版社)『阿賀のお地蔵さん』(06年考古堂書店)、『てがみ』(15年maillet books)、画集『友達がいてよかった』(98年遊タイム出版社)、イラストエッセイ集 『54才の絵日記』(05年友月書房)などがある。



▶ WAKKUN展「王様の舟出」2016

▶ 冥土のみやげ企画の書籍等を各種お取り扱いしております

渡辺リリコ展  共に時を慈しむ


niigata eya exhibition 652


Ririco has lived in Tokyo for a long time, but at the end of 2011 she changed her base of activities to Nishi Ward, Niigata City. Here, she spends her days growing radishes, onions, and winter greens in the sun, looking at the sky and fields, feeling the ocean, and eating freshly harvested vegetables. There was so much to savor in her new daily life, and she has cherished those days for the past 12 years. Ririco, who often spends most of her time reading books, enjoys daydreaming wherever she is. Her new work is a blend of collage and drawing, a mixture of diary and fantasy. It is a series of works as if with the feeling that she were talking to someone. (Exhibition Planner: Miyuki Inoue)

PHOTO(上):「宙のむこうに 陽なたの匂いを求めて」2022年 33.3×24.2cm

PHOTO:「小さなハミング」2023年 紙コラージュ・ペン・クレヨン 24.2×16.5cm

渡辺リリコ(わたなべ りりこ)
新潟市生まれ。灘本唯人氏に師事後、宇野亜喜良事務所、灘本唯人事務所を経てフリーのイラストレーターに。2005年画廊full moon upstairsと15年砂丘館でマッチ箱のシリーズを発表。近年は、北原白秋の「五十音」にイラストを添えたポストカードや、ダイコンをモチーフにしたミニ絵本『しろい一日』を自主制作。近年手がけた挿絵に『和歌でみる源氏物語~おばあさん的~』(田辺真知子・著)、『てのひら句集』(喜怒哀楽書房・発行)がある。 rico-w.jimdofree.com

Ririco Watanabe
Born in Niigata City. After studying under Tadahito Nadamoto, she worked at Akira Uno’s office and Tadahito Nadamoto’s office before becoming a freelance illustrator. Exhibited her series of matchboxes at the gallery Full Moon upstairs in 2005 and in 2015 at the Sakyukan. In recent years, she has independently produced postcards with illustrations of the “Gojyuon“ of Kitahara Hakushu and a mini picture book “Shiroi Ichinichi”, using white radish as a motif. Her recent illustrations include “Waka de Miru Genji Monogatari – Obaasan-teki” written by Machiko Tanabe and “Tenohira Kushu” (published by Kidoairaku Syobou.)rico-w.jimdofree.com

PHOTO:「夏の満ち欠け」2022年 紙コラージュ・ペン・クレヨン 36.2×27.2cm

PHOTO:「ダイコン讃歌」2022年 紙コラージュ・ペン・クレヨン 36.2×27.2cm

▶ 2008年 06月
▶ 2008年 12月
▶ 2009年 12月


Shop Info.1 〈渡辺リリコ オリジナルグッズ〉

作:北原白秋 画:渡辺リリコ
税込 1,000

冊子『しろい一日 ―ちくちく小人と遊ぶ―』
税込 1,000