1/13[土]― 28[日]
niigata eya exhibition 664
In October a resident of Nishi Ward, Niigata City sent the Niigata Eya Gallery several photographs of paintings by Oushi Saito, that her father had cherished. A Catholic church, sand dunes, a street with a canal and willows, a boat, mountains, flowers in a vase, fruit on a plate, and more – each painting, seemed to have been bought, one by one, at Saito’s numerous exhibitions, and was beautifully framed.
The fact that they had been cherished by him for so long made my heart tremble. I was also struck once again by the fact that all of these paintings were based on familiar motifs. The reason he was able to stare at the same subject and move his brush with surprisingly untiringly facility was probably because he could face the dynamism of the living things in front of him with a fresh mind each time. I would like to bathe in the breath of the things that were alive at that time and place, as captured by Saito, through his paintings. (Exhibition Planner: Azumi Okabe)
斎藤應志(さいとう おうし)
1903年中条町(現胎内市)生まれ。24年新潟師範学校卒業。戦前の民間主催の洋画公募展「新潟県展」(旧県展)の企画・運営に参画し、自らも同展に出品した。旧県展第1回で3点の作品が入選し、「選外特選」の「船」は市長賞を受賞。第4回で特選。戦後は中学校美術教師をしながら、新潟の風景や静物画を描き、数多く個展で発表した。81年没。2019年新潟絵屋で弟との二人展「斎藤應志・鉄臣展」を、その後個展を2020年以降毎年開催。2021年には胎内市美術館にて「斎藤應志・鐡臣二人展」が開催された。関連する書籍に『斎藤應志・鐡臣二人展圖録』(胎内市美術館)、『まちの日々180 vol.9 特集 新潟島』、『別冊 斎藤應志さんと新潟』(まちの日々編集室、2023年1月発行)がある。
Instagram @oushi_saito
Oushi Saito
Born in Nakajo-machi (contemporary Tainai City) in 1903, Saito graduated from Niigata Normal School in 1949. He participated in the planning and operation of the Niigata Prefectural Exhibition (formerly known as the Prefectural Exhibition), a prewar public exhibition of Western-style paintings sponsored by the private sector, and also exhibited his own works at the exhibition. Three of his works were selected for the first former Prefectural Exhibition, and “Ship” was awarded the Mayor’s Prize in the “Special Selection from unaccepted works” section. He received a special prize at the 4th exhibition. After the war, he worked as a junior high school art teacher and painted Niigata landscapes and still-lifes, and exhibited them in many solo shows. He died in 1981. In 2019 he and his brother had a dual show, “Saito Oushi-Tetsuomi Exhibition,” at Niigata Eya, followed by a solo show there every year from 2020. In 2021 a “Saito Oushi-Tetsuomi Exhibition” was held at Tainai City Art Museum. Related books are Saito Oushi・Tetsuomi Nininten Zuroku (Tainai City Art Museum), Machi no Hibi 180 vol. 9, Special Feature Niigatajima, and Bessatsu Saito Oushi-san to Niigata (Machi no Hibi editorial office, published in January, 2023). Instagram @oushi_saito
PHOTO:「堀ばたの並木」1958年 油彩/板 22.6×15.2cm
PHOTO:「おだやかな入日」1958年 油彩/板 15.7×22.7cm
PHOTO:「大和の見える西堀(冬)」1959年 油彩/板 15.2×22.6cm
PHOTO:「かもめのいる港」1960年 油彩/板 15.4×22.6cm
PHOTO: 無題 制作年不詳 油彩/キャンバス/27.2×22.0cm
関連 Shop Information
斎藤應志展 関連コーナー
5種類セット 800円〈税込〉カートに入れる
1枚の場合 165円〈税込〉
2022年の「新潟の肖像 1955-70 斎藤應志展」(会場:砂丘館)をもとに、昭和30~40年代に描かれた新潟の風景画約150枚を掲載。解説文も合わせて紹介しています。
▶ 斎藤應志展5
▶ 新潟の肖像 1955-70 斎藤應志展@砂丘館
▶ 斎藤應志展4
▶ 斎藤應志展3
▶ 斎藤應志展2
▶ 斎藤応志・鉄臣展
▶ まちの日々180 vol.9 特集 新潟島(完売しました)
▶ まちの日々180 別冊 斎藤應志さんと新潟
▶Instagram @oushi_saito