
3/1[金]― 14[木]

niigata eya exhibition 666

 合わせ鏡的な構成の八木なぎさの以前の版画を、さまざまな力が互いに押し(引き)合い、はりつめて生まれた静止空間に見えると以前に書いた。水鳥を憩わせる冬の水面が、季節のうつろいとともにぬるみ、暖かい風に吹かれて揺れだしたような解放感を新しい作品群に感じ、おどろいた。 生き生きした手書き楽譜か、韻律の美しい詩集のページを開くような、部分ではなく全体のやわらかい胎動。春の候鳥や草や木々が、小声で歌い出したかのように、モノクロームの画面にほのかな色が浮かんできた。絵に訪れた春のきざしを、3月の絵屋で静かに体験したい。(企画者:大倉宏)

I have written in the past about Yagi Nagisa’s previous prints, which have a mirror-like composition, that look like a still space created by various strained forces pushing against (or pulling) each other. I was surprised to find in her new works a sense of freedom, as if the surface of winter water, where waterfowl rest, had become tepid with the changing of the seasons and began to ripple in the warm breeze. It was like opening the pages of a lively handwritten score or a beautifully rhymed book of poems, the soft movement of the whole, rather than its parts. It is if the birds, grass, and trees in the springtime began to sing in a whisper, a hint of color floated across the black-and-white screen. I would like to quietly experience the signs of spring that will come as the paintings at the gallery in March. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)

PHOTO:「fragment 2022-1」2022年 リトグラフ 53.0×41.0cm

八木なぎさ(やぎ なぎさ)
1961年横浜市生まれ。個展は94年シロタ画廊(銀座)、97・99年三木ギャラリー(銀座)、2000年木の葉画廊(神田)、08・13・16・18・22年 NICHE GALLERY(銀座)、12・14・16・19年新潟絵屋など。2015年現代日本版画展国立ドゥブロニック現代美術館(クロアチア)、2016年日中現代版画交流展2016‒深圳 深圳版画博物館(中国)、2019年「表象の冒険:抽象のミュトロギュア」[谷川渥プロジェクト]ギャラリー鴻(東京)、2022年コレクション展 「夢のつづき、物語のはじまり」黒部市美術館(富山)などに出品。

Nagisa Yagi
Born in Yokohama in 1961. Solo exhibitions included Shirota Gallery (Ginza/Tokyo) in 1994, Miki Gallery (Ginza/Tokyo) in 1997 and 1999, Galerie Konoha (Kanda/Tokyo) in 2000, NICHE GALLERY (Ginza/Tokyo) in 2008, 2013, 2016, 2018, and 2022, and Niigata Eya in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2019. Her works were presented in the 2015 Contemporary Japanese Graphic Art Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik (Croatia), in the 2016 Japan-China Contemporary Printmaking Exchange Exhibition-Shenzhen at China Printmaking Museum, in 2019 at the “Adventures of Surface/Mythology of Abstraction” [Atsushi Tanigawa Project] at Gallery Kounotori (Tokyo), in 2022 at the Collection Exhibition “Continuation of Dream, Beginning of Story” Kurobe City Art Museum (Toyama), et al.

PHOTO:「fragment 2020-12」 2020年 リトグラフ50.0×65.0cm

▶ DUO 熊谷宗一・八木なぎさ展
▶ 八木なぎさ展 2019

▶ 八木なぎさ展 2016

▶ 八木なぎさ展 2014

▶ 八木なぎさ展 2012