
4/17[水]― 5/6[月祝]

niigata eya exhibition 669

 横山蒼鳳さんとは20年以上前に、新聞連載を一緒にしたり、いくつかの古い、あるいは計画中の建物の保存やデザインをめぐって、立場こそ違え協同してあれこれ主張しあった間柄だった。 新潟絵屋では蒼鳳さんが企画者となって展覧会を開催したこともあった。その蒼鳳さんの個展を没後12年目に私が企画することになったのも不思議な縁だと感じる。その経緯は砂丘館の案内に書いたが、つけ加えると、蒼鳳さんの書は鑑賞対象としての作品というより、個が個に語りかける「ことば」という印象が強かったということがある。展覧会は談話室や議場とは違うと思ってきた私の方が、きっと少し変わったのだろう。なつかしい蒼鳳さんの声とことばが、鳥のさえずりのように飛び交う公園のような部屋で、会期中に命日を迎える蒼鳳さんを偲びたい。(企画者:大倉宏)

The Calligraphy of Soho Yokoyama

More than 20 years ago, I worked with Mr. Soho Yokoyama on a series of newspaper articles, and we collaborated with each other in advocating for the preservation of several old buildings and on designs of planned buildings, albeit from different perspectives. Mr. Soho had once curated an exhibition at Niigata Eya. It is a curious coincidence that I am planning Mr. Soho’s solo exhibition 12 years after his death. I wrote about the background of the exhibition in the flyer for his other show, which is being held simultaneously at Sakyukan. I would like to add that I had a strong impression that Mr. Soho’s calligraphy was “words” spoken by an individual to another individual, rather than static work of art. I had believed that exhibitions are different from common rooms or council chambers, so probably I have changed. In this park-like room where nostalgic voices and words flit about like chirping birds, I would like to remember Mr. Soho, whose death anniversary falls during the exhibition period. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)


横山蒼鳳(よこやま そうほう)
本名 横山 廣
1934年新潟県下田村(現三条市)生まれ。三条高校卒業。高校時代は江川蒼竹に師事し、青年期は會津八一の薫陶を受け、後年桑原翠邦に益を受ける。63年書壇院展内閣総理大臣賞受賞。 81年~専業書家。朝日新聞新潟版土曜コラム「書一輪」を10年、新潟日報連載「越佐の埋み火」13回執筆。著書に『書一輪』『医者の知事・君健男』『自由が宝生む 書の自由学校から』『篆刻僧 乙川大愚』『出杭人生』『私の書いた言葉たち』等。やすづか自由学園、新潟朝鮮初中級学校、書の自由学園講師を務める。2012年4月29日永眠。

Soho Yokoyama
Real name: Hiroshi Yokoyama
Born in Shimoda Village (currently Sanjo City), Niigata Prefecture in 1934. Graduated from Sanjo High School.Worked at Niigata Prefectural Sanjo Tuberculosis Hospital and at Niigata Cancer Center in Niigata Hospital for 25 years.Established Niigata Medical Co-op (Kido Hospital) and became its executive director.Executive Director of Ashinuma-kai Social Welfare Corporation, founded Ashinuma-So, a special care home.He had consistently practiced calligraphy and became a full-time calligrapher in 1981.Studied under Sochiku Egawa in high school.In his youth, he was trained by Yaishi Aizu, and in later years, he received the benefit of Suiho Kuwahara’s guidance.In 1963, he received the Prime Minister’s (Hayato Ikeda) Prize at the Shodan-in Exhibition.Wrote the Saturday column “Sho Ichirin” in the Niigata edition of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper for ten years.Wrote “Essa no Uzumibi” for Niigata Nippo newspaper 13 times.Author of “Sho Ichirin”, “Takeo Kimi, Governor of Doctors”, “Jiyu ga Takara Umu Syono Jiyu Gakko kara”, “Tenkoku So Daigu Otogawa”, “Shukkou Jinsei”, “Watashi no Kaita Kotoba tachi” and other works.He was a curatorial advisor to the Aizu Yaichi Memorial Foundation, a director of the Shodan-in Foundation, and a guest member of the Shosokai.Lecturer at Yasuzuka Jiyu Gakuen, Niigata Korean Elementary School, and Sho no Jiyu Gakuen.
He passed away on April 29, 2012.

PHOTO:「生れながらにしてひとはひとだが ひとのたからはひとなることもたしかなり」制作年不詳 墨/紙 61.5×31.6cm



4/10[水]― 5/6[月祝]
開館時間:9:00 ― 21:00



横山 純(横山蒼鳳三女)・聞き手:大倉 宏
申込専用メール: yoyaku@bz04.plala.or.jp


Shop Information


横山蒼鳳 ポストカード集


5枚セット 1,000円〈税込〉
封筒入 印刷:博進堂



横山蒼鳳 書籍

『じぶんのことばで書をかくひとたち ―横山蒼鳳と大道書院展20回のあゆみ』

『続 書一輪』

『続続 書一輪』

『よこやま蒼鳳の書 I ―エッセーも。』



 横山蒼鳳の書を見ていると書は声だなぁと思う。同じ言葉でも、言い方や口調や、声によって、印象のみならず意味まで変わることがある。 書の魅力を筆線の勢いや巧みさなどで説明することもあるが、それは言い方や口調の説明に似ている。一方声というものはなかなか説明ができない。そういう説明の難しい魅力が蒼鳳の一見分かりやすい言葉(書)にはある。 ときに強い口調で、大上段に語ることもある言葉が、そんな声の魔法で決してとげとげしくならない。共感する者には深い奥行きを感じさせ、反発する人にもおやっと耳を傾けさせる。書は、書の声はなんとも面白い。(企画者:大倉 宏)

PHOTO:「生命無限」制作年不詳 墨/紙 33.5×44.6cm 新潟絵屋出品作品

後藤 充 展 色見本-階層

Mitsuru Goto exhibition “Color Sample – Layer”


niigata eya exhibition 668


 後藤充は長年、同時代の尖鋭な表現者たちの展示写真を撮ってきた。 そうしてなじんだ写真に、絵の具を塗り重ねた平面抽象を試み始めたのを目にして、思った。絵のように見えることがあるとしても、写真はやはり絵ではない。でも、絵という新しいペダルを踏むための補助輪として写真が役立つこともあるかも知れないと。 そんなときサドル上の人に多くの声掛けは不要である。 見ていると、やがて、彼は補助輪なしで絵をこぎ(描き)だしていた。ゆらついたり、倒れかけたりもするけれど、だんだん調子が出てきた。
 こんなときは個展という場に思いきってこぎ出て、いろんな目の、通りや路地を曲がり、交差点を越え、休む木陰を見つけたりするといい。(企画者:大倉 宏)

Mitsuru Goto has been taking exhibition photographs of the finest expressionists of his time for many years. I saw that he had begun experimenting with two-dimensional abstraction by applying layers of paint to the photographs he had become so accustomed to. I thought that even though it may look like a painting, a photograph is still not a painting. However, the photograph might be a useful auxiliary wheel for stepping onto a new vehicle called painting. In such a case, it is not necessary to call out much to the person in the saddle. As I watched, he soon began to pedal (paint) his picture without the aid of an auxiliary wheel. He was wobbling and almost falling over, but he was gradually getting into the swing of things.
At times like this, it is good to venture out into the place of a solo exhibition, and be viewed by various people’s eyes, to turn down various streets and alleys in them, cross intersections, and find the shade of a tree to rest. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)

後藤充(ごとう みつる)
1960年新潟市生まれ。84年ヨーゼフ・ボイスが来日した際、東京藝術大学で行った300人との公開対話集会で実行委員長をつとめる。田中一光デザイン室、武蔵野美術大学造形学部視覚伝達デザイン学科研究室、中西夏之アトリエに在籍。83年ギャラリー檜で初個展。以後、銀座スルガ台画廊、巷房、ぎゃらりー由芽、クラインブルー、ギャラリーなつか(東京)、パートナーズ PLAZA、游文舎(新潟)で個展。2005年トラーべ・アー卜・フェスティバル/郊外の元牛小屋(ドイツ)、09・12年フリー・アート展(彦坂尚嘉アトリエ/神奈川)等に出品。

Mitsuru Goto
Born in Niigata City in 1960. Goto was the chairman of the organizing committee for the public dialogue meeting with 300 people held at Tokyo University of the Arts during Joseph Beuys’ visit to Japan in 1984. He was a member of Ikko Tanaka Design Office, Visual Communication Design Laboratory of Musashino Art University, and NATSUYUKI NAKANISHI Atelier. First solo exhibition at Gallery Hinoki in 1983.Since then, he has had solo exhibitions at Ginza Surugadai Gallery, Gallery Kobo, Gallery Yume, Kurainbru, Gallery Natsuka (Tokyo), Partners Plaza, and Yubunsha (Niigata), etc. He participated in the Trave Art Festival in 2005/a former cow shed outside (Germany), and the Free Art Exhibition in 2009 and 2012 at the Naoyoshi Hikosaka Atelier (Kanagawa), and others.

PHOTO(上):「色見本-階層」2023年 アクリル・油彩/キャンバス 54×46cm

PHOTO:「色見本-表面性」2023年 アクリル・油彩・研磨材/板 61×45cm

PHOTO:「色見本-階層」2023年 アクリル・油彩/キャンバス 41.0 × 32.0cm

沢村澄子展 この世の星


作家在廊 3/30新潟絵屋(14:00頃到着予定-18:00)、3/30ギャラリーみつけ(10:00―16:00)

niigata eya exhibition 667

 I watched a documentary on the daily life of the poet Akiko Baba. When she was asked, “What is a good tanka poem?,” she answered, “It is something that you can feel the Genzen of;” that left me with a deep impression. I felt this Genzen in Sumiko Sawamura’s calligraphy. Genzen is something that is right in front of you or that has just happened; but it only emerges when the one who accepts each occurrence then pours these experiences and thoughts into the work. In Sawamura’s ink that gushed from her, Sawamura’s breath and the state of mind sparkle. Compared to the stars of the universe, the flowers of the earth and our lives are fleeting; but the brightness of our lives, the light that leads us to tomorrow, even if transient, is pouring down from the universe of ink. (Exhibition Planner: Sanae Tashiro)

沢村澄子(さわむら すみこ)
1962年大阪市生まれ。新潟大学教育学部特設書道科在学中から作品発表を開始。最近の主な展覧会は、2021年「沢村澄子 時の花」(すみだ北斎美術館MARUGEN100)、22年「宮沢賢治ー沢村澄子 現象的書展」(宮沢賢治イーハトーブ館)、23年「書のよろこび 沢村澄子展」(石神の丘美術館)等。野外展、ワークショップやパフォーマンス、他ジャンルとのコラボレーション等精力的に活動する。2023年令和4年度芸術選奨美術部門文部科学大臣賞、2024年第14回手島右卿賞受賞。書を「書くこと(Writing)」と定義。「描かないこと(Not drawing)」で自作と絵画を分別する。www.sawamura-sumiko.work

Sumiko Sawamura
Born in Osaka in 1962. Began presenting her works while a student at Niigata University’s Faculty of Education, Department of Special Calligraphy. Recent major exhibitions include “Sumiko Sawamura: Flower of Time” at Sumida Hokusai Museum MARUGEN1008 (Tokyo) in 2021, “Kenji Miyazawa – Sumiko Sawamura Phenomenal Calligraphy Exhibition” at Kenji Miyazawa Ihatove Hall (Hanamaki, Iwate) in 2010, and “Joy of Calligraphy: Sumiko Sawamura Exhibition” at Ishigami Museum of Art (Hanamaki, Iwate) in 2011. She is active in outdoor exhibitions, workshops, performances, and collaborations with other genres. She received the 2022 Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award in the Fine Arts Division of the Art Encouragement Prize. She defines calligraphy as “Writing”; separates her own works from paintings by “Not drawing.” www.sawamura-sumiko.work


「けふこずば  明日は散りなむ  梅の花(良寛)」 2023年  墨/紙(軸装)
PHOTO:「けふこずば 明日は散りなむ 梅の花(良寛)」2023年 墨/紙(軸装)

沢村澄子展 この世の星
PHOTO:「闇の夜も 又おもしろや 水の星(上島鬼貫)」墨/紙

PHOTO:「山川草木」2024年 墨/紙 45.0 × 45.0㎝


沢村澄子展 関連企画


沢村澄子展 宙(そら)と書と



18:30~20:00 講師:沢村澄子


参加料:3,000円 定員:20名

PHOTO:「12345678910」2023年 墨/紙 17.0 × 17.0㎝

▶ 書 沢村澄子 -うたう-


3/1[金]― 14[木]

niigata eya exhibition 666

 合わせ鏡的な構成の八木なぎさの以前の版画を、さまざまな力が互いに押し(引き)合い、はりつめて生まれた静止空間に見えると以前に書いた。水鳥を憩わせる冬の水面が、季節のうつろいとともにぬるみ、暖かい風に吹かれて揺れだしたような解放感を新しい作品群に感じ、おどろいた。 生き生きした手書き楽譜か、韻律の美しい詩集のページを開くような、部分ではなく全体のやわらかい胎動。春の候鳥や草や木々が、小声で歌い出したかのように、モノクロームの画面にほのかな色が浮かんできた。絵に訪れた春のきざしを、3月の絵屋で静かに体験したい。(企画者:大倉宏)

I have written in the past about Yagi Nagisa’s previous prints, which have a mirror-like composition, that look like a still space created by various strained forces pushing against (or pulling) each other. I was surprised to find in her new works a sense of freedom, as if the surface of winter water, where waterfowl rest, had become tepid with the changing of the seasons and began to ripple in the warm breeze. It was like opening the pages of a lively handwritten score or a beautifully rhymed book of poems, the soft movement of the whole, rather than its parts. It is if the birds, grass, and trees in the springtime began to sing in a whisper, a hint of color floated across the black-and-white screen. I would like to quietly experience the signs of spring that will come as the paintings at the gallery in March. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)

PHOTO:「fragment 2022-1」2022年 リトグラフ 53.0×41.0cm

八木なぎさ(やぎ なぎさ)
1961年横浜市生まれ。個展は94年シロタ画廊(銀座)、97・99年三木ギャラリー(銀座)、2000年木の葉画廊(神田)、08・13・16・18・22年 NICHE GALLERY(銀座)、12・14・16・19年新潟絵屋など。2015年現代日本版画展国立ドゥブロニック現代美術館(クロアチア)、2016年日中現代版画交流展2016‒深圳 深圳版画博物館(中国)、2019年「表象の冒険:抽象のミュトロギュア」[谷川渥プロジェクト]ギャラリー鴻(東京)、2022年コレクション展 「夢のつづき、物語のはじまり」黒部市美術館(富山)などに出品。

Nagisa Yagi
Born in Yokohama in 1961. Solo exhibitions included Shirota Gallery (Ginza/Tokyo) in 1994, Miki Gallery (Ginza/Tokyo) in 1997 and 1999, Galerie Konoha (Kanda/Tokyo) in 2000, NICHE GALLERY (Ginza/Tokyo) in 2008, 2013, 2016, 2018, and 2022, and Niigata Eya in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2019. Her works were presented in the 2015 Contemporary Japanese Graphic Art Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik (Croatia), in the 2016 Japan-China Contemporary Printmaking Exchange Exhibition-Shenzhen at China Printmaking Museum, in 2019 at the “Adventures of Surface/Mythology of Abstraction” [Atsushi Tanigawa Project] at Gallery Kounotori (Tokyo), in 2022 at the Collection Exhibition “Continuation of Dream, Beginning of Story” Kurobe City Art Museum (Toyama), et al.

PHOTO:「fragment 2020-12」 2020年 リトグラフ50.0×65.0cm

▶ DUO 熊谷宗一・八木なぎさ展
▶ 八木なぎさ展 2019

▶ 八木なぎさ展 2016

▶ 八木なぎさ展 2014

▶ 八木なぎさ展 2012



niigata eya exhibition 665

The First Half
In early November of last year, Niigata Eya turned its exhibition room into a studio and took pictures of the Ritsuko Minemura oil painting left by her. This February, from among the 413 paintings, the exhibition planners will select works for the first and second halves of an exhibition.
For the first half of the exhibition, I decided to select paintings that particularly stuck in my mind from among those that were present during the photo shoot. There are various paintings of people, still life, and landscapes, all of which are easygoing, graceful, and refreshing. I am glad that Izumi, her fourth daughter, who had preserved her “Ka-san’s” (mother’s) paintings, will be able to see the exhibition. (Exhibition Planner: Miyuki Inoue) 

The Second Half
Many of Ritsuko Minemura’s paintings are female nudes (there are also male nudes). Toru Sunouchi, who was fascinated by these paintings and introduced them in his gallery and in his essay “Kimagure Bijutsukan” (Capricious Art Museum), was attempting to ponder the connection of this mysterious way of portraying the human body with cubism and fauvism.
How about changing the perspective and looking at it from the standpoint of Japanese art history? People depicted in ukiyoe and medieval genre paintings had been described as strange and distorted from the perspective of Western art. Yet it is this distortion that is the voice that tells of the living curiosity of the eshi (vocational painter) of the past, as they looked at the lives of their own time. Minemura apparently had painted nudes at a drawing school in New York City, where she often visited her daughters. She was always dressed in kimono there. A picture of an eshi from the Warring States and Edo periods descending to the ground in America during the 20th century comes to mind. It is somewhat amusing to think of her paintings as a Japanese eshi‘s curious glances at the “nude sketching session,” which is a contemporary custom. (Exhibition Planner: Hiroshi Okura)

PHOTO(上): 題不詳 油彩/キャンバス 制作年不詳 45.5×33.3cm

峰村リツ子(みねむら りつこ)
1907年新潟市生まれ。生家は沼垂で味噌醸造業を営んでいた。10代後半に東京へ行き、太平洋美術研究所で油絵を学ぶ。野口弥太郎、里見勝蔵、児島善三郎らの指導を受ける。女性の油絵画家の草分けの一人。戦前は1930年協会展、二科展、独立美術協会に出品。34年三岸節子、桜井浜江、佐川敏子らとグループ女艸会を結成。戦後は女流画家協会、自由美術家協会等で発表後、 70歳を越えてからは主に個展で発表。93年朝日ギャラリーで自薦展を開催。95年没。

Ritsuko Minemura
Born in 1907 in Niigata City. She was from Nuttari where her family ran a miso making business. In her late teens she went to Tokyo, where she studied oil painting at the Taiheiyo Art Association. Yataro Noguchi, Katsuzo Satomi, and Zenzaburo Kojima were her teachers. Minemura is one of the pioneers of Japan’s female oil painters. Before the war in 1930 she exhibited at the Kyokai Exhibition, the Nika Art Exhibition, and the Dokuritsu Bijutsu Kyokai. In 1934, she formed the group Josokai with Setsuko Migishi, Hamae Sakurai,and Toshiko Sagawa. After the war, she exhibited her works at the Women’s Artist Association, at the Jiyu Bijutsuka Association, and at other venues. After turning 70, she mainly exhibited her works at solo shows. In 1993 she displayed self-selected artwork at the Asahi Gallery. She died in 1995.

PHOTO: 作品はいずれも題・制作年不詳 油彩/キャンバス F4

PHOTO: 題不詳 油彩/ボード 制作年不詳 41.0×53.0cm

PHOTO: 題不詳 油彩/キャンバス 1989年 45.5×37.8cm

PHOTO: 題不詳 油彩/キャンバス 制作年不詳 33.3×24.2cm

PHOTO: 題不詳 油彩/キャンバス 制作年不詳 22.7×15.8cm

PHOTO: 題不詳 油彩/キャンバス 制作年不詳 41.0×27.3cm

▶ 峰村リツ子・緑川俊一展
▶ 若槻菊枝蔵の 「峰村リツ子の裸婦」展


1/13[土]― 28[日]

niigata eya exhibition 664


In October a resident of Nishi Ward, Niigata City sent the Niigata Eya Gallery several photographs of paintings by Oushi Saito, that her father had cherished. A Catholic church, sand dunes, a street with a canal and willows, a boat, mountains, flowers in a vase, fruit on a plate, and more – each painting, seemed to have been bought, one by one, at Saito’s numerous exhibitions, and was beautifully framed.
The fact that they had been cherished by him for so long made my heart tremble. I was also struck once again by the fact that all of these paintings were based on familiar motifs. The reason he was able to stare at the same subject and move his brush with surprisingly untiringly facility was probably because he could face the dynamism of the living things in front of him with a fresh mind each time. I would like to bathe in the breath of the things that were alive at that time and place, as captured by Saito, through his paintings. (Exhibition Planner: Azumi Okabe)

斎藤應志(さいとう おうし)
1903年中条町(現胎内市)生まれ。24年新潟師範学校卒業。戦前の民間主催の洋画公募展「新潟県展」(旧県展)の企画・運営に参画し、自らも同展に出品した。旧県展第1回で3点の作品が入選し、「選外特選」の「船」は市長賞を受賞。第4回で特選。戦後は中学校美術教師をしながら、新潟の風景や静物画を描き、数多く個展で発表した。81年没。2019年新潟絵屋で弟との二人展「斎藤應志・鉄臣展」を、その後個展を2020年以降毎年開催。2021年には胎内市美術館にて「斎藤應志・鐡臣二人展」が開催された。関連する書籍に『斎藤應志・鐡臣二人展圖録』(胎内市美術館)、『まちの日々180 vol.9 特集 新潟島』『別冊 斎藤應志さんと新潟』まちの日々編集室、2023年1月発行)がある。
Instagram @oushi_saito

Oushi Saito
Born in Nakajo-machi (contemporary Tainai City) in 1903, Saito graduated from Niigata Normal School in 1949. He participated in the planning and operation of the Niigata Prefectural Exhibition (formerly known as the Prefectural Exhibition), a prewar public exhibition of Western-style paintings sponsored by the private sector, and also exhibited his own works at the exhibition. Three of his works were selected for the first former Prefectural Exhibition, and “Ship” was awarded the Mayor’s Prize in the “Special Selection from unaccepted works” section. He received a special prize at the 4th exhibition. After the war, he worked as a junior high school art teacher and painted Niigata landscapes and still-lifes, and exhibited them in many solo shows. He died in 1981. In 2019 he and his brother had a dual show, “Saito Oushi-Tetsuomi Exhibition,” at Niigata Eya, followed by a solo show there every year from 2020. In 2021 a “Saito Oushi-Tetsuomi Exhibition” was held at Tainai City Art Museum. Related books are Saito Oushi・Tetsuomi Nininten Zuroku (Tainai City Art Museum), Machi no Hibi 180 vol. 9, Special Feature Niigatajima, and Bessatsu Saito Oushi-san to Niigata (Machi no Hibi editorial office, published in January, 2023). Instagram @oushi_saito

PHOTO:「堀ばたの並木」1958年 油彩/板 22.6×15.2cm

PHOTO:「おだやかな入日」1958年 油彩/板 15.7×22.7cm

PHOTO:「大和の見える西堀(冬)」1959年 油彩/板 15.2×22.6cm

PHOTO:「かもめのいる港」1960年 油彩/板 15.4×22.6cm

斎藤應志 無題
PHOTO: 無題 制作年不詳 油彩/キャンバス/27.2×22.0cm

関連 Shop Information

斎藤應志展 関連コーナー

5種類セット 800円〈税込〉カートに入れる
1枚の場合 165円〈税込〉

2022年の「新潟の肖像 1955-70 斎藤應志展」(会場:砂丘館)をもとに、昭和30~40年代に描かれた新潟の風景画約150枚を掲載。解説文も合わせて紹介しています。


▶ 斎藤應志展5
▶ 新潟の肖像 1955-70 斎藤應志展@砂丘館
▶ 斎藤應志展4
▶ 斎藤應志展3
▶ 斎藤應志展2
▶ 斎藤応志・鉄臣展
▶ まちの日々180 vol.9 特集 新潟島(完売しました)
▶ まちの日々180 別冊 斎藤應志さんと新潟
▶Instagram @oushi_saito